Employee Retention Made Easy
Versa Business Systems proudly offers Preventive Health Initiative and 1100 other business benefit programs that can get you tax refunds, tax credits, tax rebates, as well as added benefits for your employees at zero upfront cost!

Employee Satisfaction Guaranteed
What is Preventive Health Initiative (PHi)?
The Preventive Health Initiative (PHI) generally refers to a strategic approach aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health and well-being at the population level. Here are some key points about preventive health initiatives:
The benefits include:
$2,000 per year per W2 employee including:
$1500 to employee
$500 to employer
Quicker funding than Erc within 30 days 45-60 days tops
90% of employees opt in to it
Do I qualify for PHI?
Requirements for PHi:
Have to have 5+ full time W2 employees
Employees Must make at least $25k per year
1100 Programs for Tax Refunds and Credits
Taxes suck, don’t they?
We are now doing a completely FREE cost reduction, grant, rebate, tax credit and incentive analysis for businesses! We now have over 1100 programs to help your business save money, get free money, pay less tax, and provide more employee benefits with no upfront cost.
If you own a business and have over 3 W2 employees you may qualify!
We can tell you roughly how much in tax credits and funding you qualify for between all the programs your eligible for from the following types of grants and benefits:
Natural gas ️
Electricity ️
Workers comp
Credit card fee
Commercial property owner incentive
Insurance claim recovery
Activity specific rebates and incentives